Monday, June 10, 2013

Ticket prices go up at MIDNIGHT on THURSDAY (6/13)

Don't forget -- You only have 3 days left to buy your tickets before prices go up to $50 each at midnight on Thursday, June 13, 2013. Payment methods include: PayPal via this site or depositing the money into our Chase account.

We have to turn a count in to La Dolce Vita on Friday. Buying your ticket by Thursday helps to ensure that we will have enough food, desserts, prizes, et cetera.

As of this moment we have just over $200 in gift certificates/gift cards to local restaurants, $300 in donated items, and $200 from fundraising/sponsorships (this will increase as fundraising checks come in). We are actively trying to make this the best event possible for YOU. Please help US out by buying your tickets as soon as possible, reminding others to buy their tickets, & by inviting anyone who may not have Facebook! 

Don't wait until the last minute, buy your tickets now and SAVE!!

If you have any questions you can contact us at:


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